
樱桃怨/樱桃炸弹 Cherry.Bomb.2011.720p

樱桃怨/樱桃炸弹 Cherry.Bomb.2011.720p

7 u1 I* p3 D+ k9 P

8 F/ D# G" M5 e4 M- f2 V
0 H1 g9 D) L( y$ M  b1 ^◎译  名 樱桃怨/樱桃炸弹2 U% v9 w/ M+ A* e! f
◎片  名 CherryBomb
$ a5 f# b/ S% K& E8 e( J$ }◎年  代 2011) i! n+ A5 i& ]5 _- K0 z. V6 [# a1 ^
◎国  家 美国
1 [( o* H! F: H1 P% Y◎类  别 动作
, P+ R2 B1 Q3 ]1 V3 C8 f◎语  言 英语
" P1 a+ @, B' w& P. M8 z& z" J◎字  幕 N/A
) `; P  ~, H; Z% J7 L( QIMDB评分 2.9/10 (209 votes)
+ W4 q7 U% q& O- T◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1606189/
; u7 R+ M: B% l2 Z) g8 n8 N◎文件格式 x264 + DTS: e/ A3 O) l* R: _
◎视频尺寸 1280x 544) o0 q" B" M1 a5 [/ \
◎文件大小 1 DVD
, N3 a- H. m  ^& |◎片  长 82 Minutes
# l  X8 [6 @6 q◎导  演 KyleDay
; h/ d! O; o) y2 Z0 j) ~( d5 c! W* g◎主  演 Julin ....Cherry Bomb
$ @9 M) ~! s/ C: I      Nick Manning....Ian Benedict1 G5 T/ i! P, P1 i5 {
      John Rodriguez ....Brandon
' D3 Z% |0 ]" Y  C, I1 l      Allen Hackley....Bull1 t4 k0 b: s, C. n: n) a0 f7 [
      Jeremy James Douglas Norton ....Adam Berry2 c* c7 T2 q( G  w1 W/ `$ z% q! ?
      DeniseWilliamson ....Sapphire
5 Z# q2 N$ [/ S! O' L- X3 N' I      Charlotte Biggs ....Punk RockPolly
- v  a, H8 W$ d; t. u8 s+ C      Alan Martin ....Rick Lewis
0 ]6 \  w5 f! Q      LeMarc Johnson....Wally% o: n5 g) k  U
      Trey Huguley ....Isaac
1 I/ W% }4 X& G! Y* I: S/ k. c      Lizabeth Waters ....MarilynLewis
  X* @% `9 [4 o3 H. ~5 U      Tony Bottorff ....Barry Ford
+ e. R+ _* ^) M2 @# l" |      D.J. Morrison ....DetectiveWhitlock5 ^2 X. e$ r, q" P# x8 G
      Joann Fields ....Linda Randall( a3 B1 F6 P' k( A3 r, y
      Charissa Jarrett....Nurse Jenny. ?' y9 N  n& x) a: b/ @/ Z
      Giovanni Antonello ....Officer Tran
& M; ~/ E& o3 K8 u- ^8 r      SabrinaJones ....Emerald
- T, E8 U, X- j! P2 U4 _      Aaron Alexander ....Ed Randall( p: |6 `: }) x2 X/ s
      MysteriaBlack ....Luscious0 R" k7 P5 }6 n, _; i) C; P
      Nicole Hutchenson ....Sandi
. [% h0 s7 _9 k$ w9 [      Craig Welborn....Cage
' @) g# y/ I; N$ e6 ^* y: \! w% J      Caitlyn Hutson ....Ginger
7 L' d8 R* W7 t8 w  E8 z: S      Grayce Benesh....Rhoxxie; M( ]  b# s4 g1 r. z- O8 t4 T3 F
      Andrew Henczak ....Fred Jacobs  s( k4 K: c) ?5 ^! M' I/ _; D
      Conor Nobles....Doug Baggins. {: s4 V' m8 i. Z. V( c9 ?
      Debbie Day ....Secretary
* c, J  G4 F# t) l4 C$ A. y3 U      Alexandra Hutchenson....Alyssa
, d+ ]1 c$ n: P& t, U) b! X( B      Amanda Arnold ....Patricia7 j/ O3 X' L- U( A
      Alexa Hanse....Rita, Z6 j9 n+ \" l5 S7 y' U$ N* W0 S
      Chad Sitzmann ....Dr. Rocky Von Stromboli III4 Y5 l' \2 Y7 e" t5 D$ T
      DaveBuckman ....Pete Finn% Y1 d) q; N1 A. G7 U- E+ M
5 i" J+ ?2 g0 K7 b
* E8 E5 L: F, S9 f3 P. c

2 C9 D& Z9 Q% h4 R2 a. |$ R" l◎简  介
, V1 d- g9 G9 ]* T# H* K1 B/ |1 b. \! z
2 r  b; I: ~. ^6 l% d  f" V
Inhomage to the action films of the early 1980s, Cherry Bomb follows a youngdancer and her quest for revenge against the group of men that brutallyassaulted her. Seeing no justice coming from within the system Cherry enliststhe help of her estranged older brother and some heavy firepower as the twosiblings set out on a reckless revenge mission. Things start to spiral out ofcontrol when a mysterious hit man named Bull is hired to put an end to Cherry'sbloody tirade. She soon realizes that there is more at stake than she everimagined. Starring Julin Jean, Nick Manning, Denise Williamson, and John GabrielRodriquez: v& D) z4 S* d# {
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