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【原抓】欧版 Bryan Adams - Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron
布莱恩 亚当斯当年的那首一切为你震撼了一代人的心灵,那是电影罗宾汉的主题曲,前两年另一张迪士尼动画片小马王的配乐又着实让他火了一把。整张原声的演唱都由他一手包办,首首精彩绝伦,比起罗宾汉的配乐毫不逊色。同时,这部影片也是非常精彩,建议没看过的朋友抽空看看。
唱片名称:Bryan Adams - Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron [Music from the Original Motion Picture]
唱片编号:493 340-2
CD: Bryan Adams - Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron [Music from the Original Motion Picture]
01. Here I Am, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron) [0:04:44.67]
02. I Will Always Return, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the CimarroYou Can't Take Me, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron) [0:03:58.38]
03. You Can't Take Me, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron) [0:02:56.37]
04. Get Off My Back, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron) [0:02:50.15]
05. Brothers Under The Sun, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the CimarDon't Let Go, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron) [0:03:57.68]
06. Don't Let Go, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron) [0:04:02.30]
07. This Is Where I Belong, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the CimarHere I Am, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron) [0:02:21.10]
08. Here I Am, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron) [0:04:32.10]
09. Sound The Bugle, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron) [0:03:54.45]
10. Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron, film score: Run Free [0:06:21.40]
11. Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron, film score: Homeland (Main Title) [0:03:41.62]
12. Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron, film score: Rain [0:02:50.38]
13. Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron, film score: The Long Road Back [0:07:11.17]
14. Nothing I've Ever Known, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the CimaI Will Always Return, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarro [0:03:52.10]
15. I Will Always Return, song (as used in the film Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarro [0:02:46.25]
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