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标题: 【游戏】 《终极格斗 第七季》(The Ultimate Fighter Season 7)更新第4集 [打印本页]

作者: ai361671493    时间: 2012-9-22 13:38     标题: 【游戏】 《终极格斗 第七季》(The Ultimate Fighter Season 7)更新第4集

中文名称:终极格斗 第七季
英文名称:The Ultimate Fighter Season 7
电视台:Spike TV

The Ultimate Fighter(以下简称TUF)是美国FOX(福克斯)电视台子台Spike TV与UFC联合制作的一档综合格斗娱乐节目。该节目的设计思路为:从全美国范围内挑选16名还没有与任何综合格斗组织签约的选手来到拉斯维加斯的UFC训练基地,进行为期50天的集训生活。16名选手包括8名轻重量级和8名中量级,分为两个team,分别由Randy Coture和Chuck Liddell率领,每个team有4名轻重量级和4名中量级。在50天的时间里,两队之间要进行很多团队的身体素质对抗(比如抗重物过障碍,锯圆木等)和单败淘汰赛,最后分别决出轻重量级和中量级冠军,这两人将获得UFC的3年6位数字的合同。

以往的UFC只在PPV(付费电视台)播出,而这次的Spike TV是个免费电视台,这也可以说是综合格斗在美国第一次进入公众视线。尽管Spike TV并不是名门望台,但平均2.6%的收视率对于UFC来说已经是一个巨大的成功,综合格斗进入主流体育之门已经敞开了。

TUF前12集完全是以记录片的手法描述这16位选手是如何在一起生活训练和进行残酷的淘汰战,里面很多场景对于想了解综合格斗选手的生存状态和训练方法的观众非常有价值,16位血气方刚的小伙子之间的日常龌龊也在镜头前暴露无遗,熟悉Temptation Island和Survivor的观众会从中找到很多共同点的。第13集是TUF的大结局,最终轻重量级和中量级分别决出冠军,戏剧性的是,由于轻重量级的两名决赛选手都表现出色,Dana White当场宣布两人都获得一份UFC3年6位数字的合同。由于节目播出反响热烈,Spike TV已和UFC合作开拍TUF第二季。


Sixteen men from across the Americas travel to Las Vegas with one dream, one goal - to become The Ultimate Fighter.

Determination. Discipline. Excellence.

These young men are accomplished athletes, disciplined in wide range of mixed martial arts that include wrestling, boxing, judo, Jiu-Jitsu, karate and kickboxing. Each has the dream, the hope, and the will to fight in an Ultimate Fighting Championship event. Only one fighter from each of the two weight classes will succeed with the challenge.

During the show the competitors will take their training to a higher level. They will be brought to Las Vegas where the UFC brand has its National Training Center. For the next seven weeks the competitors will be under the strict supervision of two of the most successful and famous UFC fighters and trainers on the planet.

The competitors will endure the most grueling training and intense pressure of their lives. They will train together, live together, and fight against each other inside and outside of the storied UFC Octagon. The men are split into two teams, the two squads then compete against each other within their weight classes to avoid elimination.

In each episode, the competitors will also compete in a "Challenge." The Challenges are designed to push the fighters to the edge of their physical and mental capabilities. The Challenges revolve around old school training techniques, physical stamina, and mental strategy. The team that wins the challenge controls which fighters must fight to avoid elimination.

At the end of each week, one fighter from each team must fight in the Octagon to avoid being kicked out of the UFC Training Center until only two remain in each weight division. In the end, The Ultimate Fighter will be decided by a competition match -- a head-to-head fight to the finish inside the Octagon.

The weak are eliminated...

The strong will survive...

Only one will be left standing from each weight class...

The Ultimate Fighter

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