《危险深渊》(Depths of Peril)是由前Ritual工作室的技术总监史蒂夫·皮勒(Steve Peeler)参与组建的Soldak Entertainment公司开发一款PC平台的集合了策略元素的动作RPG游戏,游戏预定于今年第一季度发行。作为一款全新的动作RPG游戏,《危险深渊》的游戏剧情非常简单,老套的野蛮人抵御外族和野兽入侵的故事,虚拟的游戏世界虽然生活着各种各样的种族,他们之间也会有微小的战争和冲突,也有怪物的存在,但大部分时候,一切都显得非常的平静。直到有一天,一些矿工因为少许的贪婪,在挖掘洞穴时,挖的太深,他们闯进了被封印了千百年的黑暗精灵和其他许多怪兽的领地,这些被封印了千百年的妖怪们,立即释放他们长久以来的仇恨,在未来的世纪,四场主要战争笼罩着世界,过去矛盾冲突不断的各个种族只能选择联合起来,抵抗妖怪们的入侵,有的种族被灭绝,而主要的城市皆被摧毁。这就是游戏剧情的开始,和平的世界已基本上被摧毁,而剩余的残落部族正试图重建,游戏背景舞台设定在一个幻想世界的Jorvik城市,该城市居住的都是野蛮人,虽然Jorvik城市已经改建,但仍无领导者。
游戏中的敌人多达40种类型,它们大多分属于五个不同的部族,等级能力也有五个级别,一般的、冠军、精锐、唯一和传说中的野兽,冠军和精锐级别的怪兽大多数时间都共同在夜间出没,特别是土牢等地点,较其他怪物而言,它们更加危险。所有的怪物都是随机出现在不同的场景地点,例如:巫师辛格里奥(Ciglio)出现在“黑森林”(The Black Forest)中,如果你不迅速的消灭他,他或许又会出现在其他附近区域,甚至会决定城镇本身,如果你没有及时的回防城镇,那么巫师便会摧毁城镇,杀害商贩,还会造成各种各样的问题。游戏中玩家的一举一动都会对结果造成直接的影响,就像是,你放任黑森林中的兽人种族随意发展,那么会对野蛮人种族的未来造成极大的隐患,如果你惹怒了强大的“恐惧军团”(Legion of Fear)部族的话,他们将向你宣战,并发动攻击。《危险深渊》采用了类似《地牢围攻》(Dungeon Siege)的无缝衔接技术,
Depths of Peril is a fantasy, single player action RPG game. Being an awesome Diablo game clone, it’s been given many high ratings from rpg game reviews. Such as these excerpts from reviewers - ‘Depths of Peril is addictive, frantic, challenging - and unique.’ - RPG Watch .
Another review says ‘Seriously, you guys. You gotta try this thing.’ - Gaming’s Edge. Enjoy this great game brought to us by TE.
Description: Depths of Peril is a single player action RPG (role playing game) with strong strategy elements. You play as a faction leader protecting the barbarian city, Jorvik, by destroying threatening monsters and completing quests. At the same time, you compete with rival factions to see who will rule the city. Barbarians choose their leaders by fighting to the death! But in this world, actions actually have consequences, so take care. Annoying the powerful and aggressive Legion of Fear faction will cause them to declare war and destroy you. Ignored Orc uprisings in the Black Forest will cause even more trouble. Protect ally covenants that are being raided, because friends are hard to come by.
-Unique blend of action RPG with strategy elements
-Leader of one warring faction fighting for supremacy
-Must navigate relationships with enemy factions using diplomacy, trade, war, and raids
-Real and hard consequences from a living world
-Breathing, evolving world
-A deep wellspring of history (40+ short stories, 60,000+ words)
-Random, seamless world
《危险深渊》讲述的是野蛮人抵御外族和野兽入侵的故事。在这款强调战略元素的游戏中,玩家将扮演野蛮人城市Jorvik的首领,通过外交、贸易以及战争的方式和其他派系实现共处,并率领自己的子民抵御各种魔物的入侵。在《危险深渊》的世界中,玩家的各种行为都将产生各种直接的后果。例如,你一旦惹怒了“恐惧军团 (Legion of Fear)”部族,他们将向你宣战并发动攻击。但如果玩家放任“黑森林(the Black Forest)”中的兽人种族(Orc)不断发展,也将对野蛮人种族的未来形成隐忧。