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标题: 战斗侦察 Battle.Recon.2012.720p [打印本页]

作者: yupan1988    时间: 2012-9-7 14:46     标题: 战斗侦察 Battle.Recon.2012.720p

7 D7 B8 Y0 a3 N, D2 F- Y/ k2 {* Y
" }/ s1 R- c" E+ I/ Y7 z- f, s' V

( K  M* ]% T3 m  L
$ e' ~5 ~0 r3 O, U7 K- R$ y9 N* `' A3 x1 e1 H
◎译  名 战斗侦察7 e3 j- T+ j: T; d
◎片  名 Battle Recon
+ G: S1 \8 f5 ^◎年  代 2012
) [: {# J% l( S( g* N+ M◎国  家 英国
& r# y" M& V6 f) ~◎类  别 动作/战争: g# f0 }  C0 [/ t  F
◎语  言 英语7 z% A9 z9 w/ q# e" I! O- E4 I
◎字  幕 N/A) e& a5 z1 o7 S7 O) n2 D
( J$ E4 \: u! _% V1 A◎IMDB链接 x0 I# I# J4 _
◎文件格式 X264 + AC3
/ |& _$ G* R! n$ v◎视频尺寸 1280x 720! H/ o0 f+ _" g6 Z6 Q% P+ r2 w" N
◎文件大小 1CD3.28GB; B+ ^( K( ]) Y6 y
◎片  长 101 Mins
% }3 I  U- b- ~* n1 r; C◎导  演 Robert Shannon
$ F9 ]: e: W1 ?2 {# i+ w$ `◎主  演 RobertShannon ... Riker ( D& T- Q9 B( R& S
      Adrian Bouchet ... Chase $ f* |5 V8 a* [! ?
      Les Loveday ...Captain Taylor
" ~. X+ l+ Z3 S; L% n0 v      Klemens Koehring ... Blitz
( Z, Q& k9 W" ^% Q! {$ I! G      Paul Kelleher ...Major Richards % i7 k6 R; @7 U: J0 ^8 t5 u3 d
      Beeny Royston ... Jerm / [' W; X" T3 p# o
      Harold Gasnier ...Colonel Waters   [' \2 R6 n5 J+ U
      Jerome Aarts ... Bernhard $ i/ }! l+ U% Z/ z
      William Hartley ...Nuchelli
9 i  P+ t3 _  P0 j      Pale Noland ... Lewis & V2 l3 R; V1 {* b9 D$ f: t
      Mark Roberts ... Hans
" T' P; ^0 A# C- `# j8 j      Johnathon Whitehouse ...Hackley
# W6 L* z. `2 A7 O, q9 [      6 Y6 L' i3 P; Z9 ~" @
5 o3 v  K8 y9 N7 @# v: q      / T. B/ h( O* l7 {  J. U

. W( _" E( F5 c+ M1 {8 `( K9 i: d, r8 j# }' q! W0 i' x/ y3 F

% u5 R! M( u; j- K! G# y) S6 {/ v5 B
& o% @' e9 f" V5 R6 J: P! r0 X3 q
0 P: @/ q2 l0 z* z$ c0 ^: Y
◎简  介 ) n7 Z+ b7 w. z
9 R$ M& P! S+ W! j- j- Q7 w
We follow a squad of American paratroopers asthey struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason forundertaking. As tensions become heightened in the heat of battle, can you dependon the guy next to you, or is he not what he appears to be?
% L$ q0 L% I* a  X# j# b' `4 n) h) b. z
Set in theaftermath of the allied invasion of France in the summer of 1944 a squad ofAmerican paratroopers struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows thereal reason for undertaking. As tensions become increasingly heightened in theheat of battle, trust becomes not only their hope but their fear as well. Aretheir allies really who they appears to be? Shannon productions have completedprinciple photography on their first Feature film, 'Battle Recon' written anddirected by Robert Shannon. They are now working in association with theMolinaire film and TV village to complete post production and Special Effects.2011will see the project develop into a series for television./ O/ y, _0 q- b- R% |1 I3 q' R
下载地址:8 \& u8 E4 E2 d4 i6 b9 d  x
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