1. 本作品系翻译人员和技术人员集体智力成果,作者完全享有本作品之署名、修改等人身著作权利,任何组织和个人无权侵犯。
1. The work is a common intellectual property belonging to transaltors and technial personnel. The authors of the work enjoy the rights of authorship, alteration and other personnal copyright, without the interference by other organizations and individuals.
2. 本作品系游戏爱好者基于个人兴趣和研究爱好在业余时间完成,游戏软件版权由原制作及发行方依法享有。
2. This work was created by the game fans in spare time, motivated by personal interests and passion. The original producer and publiser lawfully enjoy the copyright of the sofewave.
3. 本作品授权使用条款《知识共享协议(Creative Commons)》之“署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 3.0(Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0)”,任何组织和个人不得违反此协议,否则任何滥用行为引起的侵权责任应由该违约者自行承担。
3. The work is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons Public Licence which provided in the document "Attribution-NonCommercial -NoDerivs 3.0". Any use of the work other than as authorized under this Licence is prohibited. In no event will the licensor be liable to you for all lost or damage arising out of the use of the work.