天涯 管理员
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Windows Movie Maker 2.6 - 简体中文版(微软官方)
点击从微软官方网站下载 Windows Movie Maker 2.6 - 简体中文版
! F% c6 |$ ?+ ?9 Y# L+ S6 Y. O# P引用:概述( N N2 M. x+ X; u. V
Movie Maker 2.6 is for Windows Vista users whose computer cannot run the Vista version of Movie Maker.0 I) T% p+ a0 K. a9 C
1 g' X" v$ m# o4 Z( }To test if your computer can run the Vista version of Movie Maker:' `5 x' p- B0 m$ ?* Z
* @, V% b. n8 o1. From the Start menu, click All Programs.
7 V/ \4 ~, I& F1 {( g( d2. Click Windows Movie Maker.+ o& p3 f/ d# t, q! ]' k( j
- _5 @. ?) A8 D# \1 m2 B6 f8 mIf Movie Maker launches, you should not download version 2.6. o$ h; Z$ }. O2 W' K$ ^
, E2 ? o" f; [
Ifyou get an error message that says, "Windows Movie Maker cannot startbecause your video card does not support the required level of hardwareacceleration or hardware acceleration is not available", download andinstall Movie Maker 2.6.' H4 P; M. O B/ M; }6 ?. M; b 6 F! T7 f/ u! @! r4 X! @% e$ b0 W* T8 U- E+ g; v
2 j' f0 s0 B/ S" f$ y- f/ h4 h4 u/ j7 E- W3 s- ?5 F, x* Z% ~, A
原版只支持VISTA,可以用Orca 编辑该MSI文件,找到LaunchCondition项,将其右边框中的 “VersionNT=600 ”一行删除再保存即可在2000、XP、2003中安装。