
Lady Gaga:恶魔舞会巡演之麦迪逊公园广场演唱会 2011.BluRay.1080p

Lady Gaga:恶魔舞会巡演之麦迪逊公园广场演唱会 2011.BluRay.1080p

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Lady Gaga Presents the Monster BallTour
) p6 E. F, C; g& a) o, K" P( z& s5 E: o0 V* x5 |
Year: 20113 o- z+ @) h* J& w
Genre: Pop
$ K* S) T; r: _' F3 v8 a8 B1 a, z! ^5 Y# z3 U
0 w8 ^6 i- s6 A+ Y/ o0 F1 [

1 U" l, a3 X/ h; r, wLady Gaga, five-time Grammywinner, will headline her first solo HBO concert event on SATURDAY, MAY 7, itwas announced today by Sue Naegle, president, HBO Entertainment. Taping Feb. 21and 22 at Madison Square Garden in her hometown of New York City, LADY GAGAPRESENTS THE MONSTER BALL TOUR AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN will spotlight the popsensation on her sold-out world tour, accompanied by a ten-piece band and tenbackup dancers.
+ f6 @- t, E4 u
6 w3 `0 h) c+ v5 T) g“Lady Gaga is the single most exciting music talent onthe scene today,” noted Naegle. “We’re especially thrilled that she’ll becreating unique new elements for the special that will make the show an evenmore memorable experience for our viewers."; \4 c1 X( p& m

. e& h' O8 M: K/ {' d- iLady Gaga released her debutalbum, “The Fame,” in 2008, winning Grammys for Electronic/Dance Album and DanceRecording (for “Poker Face”), and earning five #1 hits. Her follow-up, “The FameMonster,” produced the smash singles “Bad Romance” and “Telephone,” and justreceived three Grammys, including Female Pop Vocal Performance (for “BadRomance”), Pop Vocal Album and Short Form Music Video (for “Bad Romance”). “TheFame” and “The Fame Monster” have sold more than 15 million copiescombined.4 K# P( ?& o9 g$ E

8 R3 r: \5 H2 n- f9 hLady Gaga’s next album, “Born This Way,” is scheduled forrelease May 23.
1 J4 r- T: a7 t. u1 x. e! T
! N, \3 w# B+ a1 ]; B7 hIn addition to her five Grammy Awards, Lady Gaga hasalready won nine Billboard Music Awards, five World Music Awards, two People’sChoice Awards and 11 MTV Music Video Awards. A major presence in the world ofsocial media, she is #1 on Twitter with more than eight million followers andhas more than 28 million “likes” on Facebook.% c: M$ R6 V( A( T, w- I
* w0 c5 V0 [7 e9 n# z4 J6 P4 h
LADY GAGA PRESENTS THEMONSTER BALL TOUR AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN will be directed by Lauriann Gibson,who has choreographed most of Lady Gaga's videos, including “Poker Face,”“Paparazzi,” “Telephone,” “Alejandro” and “Bad Romance.” The special will beproduced by Lady Gaga, Troy Carter, Vincent Herbert and JimmyIovine." A- G: o& D( Z

: `9 [- F) {4 K, X) Z, V+ v7 @' G, QSetlist  z9 g2 ~* w% q" a+ S8 M8 r. ^9 l3 b

1 J+ C; |0 _& A& l& @# {Act I: NYC6 c" @* Q! g6 y1 W' o4 b- l2 v

+ r; ~2 v7 @) v% l0 P# V01. Jumping Film5 L4 k6 C7 v+ v7 g" B7 r
02. "DanceIn the Dark"
4 W( Q  I4 p. P7 M. ~* O" E03. "Glitter and Grease") j. e* [; ^( k$ i% x$ r3 M$ ]
04. "Just Dance"
. j# {  e/ }% r% R, q05. "Beautiful,Dirty, Rich"
1 b( e1 R& E, W* U/ E! x6 D5 m06. "The Fame"
2 D( C4 [7 ^. m8 K5 o) g; K! t  }! Z  ~$ m# V2 i; |4 M0 |/ |
Act II: Tube
. p' M' ^5 \# Y; K5 _$ ?% ]0 }4 l( A) p- G, T4 }& t0 q  O5 `3 I
07. Puke Film
+ m6 I9 S& @/ o6 R" C08."LoveGame"
" v1 ?5 W1 C# k4 }! X/ T0 o* t09. "Boys Boys Boys"
. \. g% \4 S' Y$ u) n- {' t$ ~+ y10. "Money Honey"
. i- l$ |6 E1 P* {11."Telephone"
; T7 T- a7 O7 k# m+ d4 g: _12. "Speechless"
/ X4 _/ ?; w. U$ A8 ?13. "You and I"
9 x1 z1 w# X- q) ^; Q8 ?" j' q7 H14. Twister Film
* k3 z& p0 O8 O5 {- p15."So Happy I Could Die"
+ l1 s8 U, [2 ]7 h
, ^  a% a1 D/ l$ {1 T5 }  DAct III: Central Park
6 ?: _. o/ Y  ~0 [
, ^) l( o0 U* W1 e4 b16. AntlerFilm% F* m" [4 U2 i1 k. D* h
17. "Monster"
1 ]- G/ `  M2 \6 p1 O6 G18. "Teeth"2 M* H& ^0 m7 j9 ]8 b; d5 b
19. "Alejandro"1 e( h# N) l* ]2 B$ C- I$ @) e
20. Monster Film(Manifesto of Little Monsters)
; U% Z- N/ C. s1 z9 D8 C8 }4 @21. "Poker Face"
' H- U7 u$ A. [, ^, u# d2 A) X( M9 ~
Act IV: The MonsterBall4 \) g0 E& f1 [% n1 E4 D
; ]: E! P5 c! \6 V
22. Apocalyptic Film
3 Z" y) l1 g0 x+ N* R8 a23. Борьба с Paparazzo ("Paparazzi"6 w& v! P0 `! G' s  O
24."Bad Romance"/ z9 |$ a: b) O9 Q2 ]0 b; z& ?, {% L
25. "Born This Way"2 Y) w( ?, g% g& U' ]$ R
26. Fan Film
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