
情爱四人帮/周末狂欢 Human.Traffic.1999.720p

情爱四人帮/周末狂欢 Human.Traffic.1999.720p

/ H7 z6 D( k  I
& a- t4 j! p7 w8 l* @2 \/ W
◎译  名 情爱四人帮/周末狂欢7 k) \! U: J& Q/ w. h
◎片  名 Human Traffic, _1 h: v# w% E8 r2 |
◎年  代 1999
" D( J( n4 y- _0 ^" P- L: K◎国  家 英国/爱尔兰( W  `( d% X7 \) L1 R
◎类  别 喜剧/剧情/音乐! g- L" j' X; b- T" }! E8 C
◎语  言 英语
" m' J' [" Z! x5 g4 ?1 H) o9 j0 M5 x◎字  幕 N/A/ s' p- L7 S  a
IMDB评分 6.8/10 (12,417 votes)
+ x( ~9 I3 e5 m+ D3 Y( ~& Y◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0188674/, ^. u8 y- g3 r7 t; p$ f3 [
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
. G: p9 U% d& \! X5 x◎视频尺寸 1280x 696# I& I5 F1 e& r
◎文件大小 1 DVD
' |; ]' f% Z2 m◎片  长 99 min 28 sec
+ ?8 o/ g# X) y◎导  演 贾斯汀·克里根Justin Kerrigan9 U7 f$ k7 p& {7 t* A4 ~" G
◎主  演 约翰·西姆 John Simm....Jip3 U' [/ d9 C. g$ e! }* C, {8 d
      丹尼·戴尔 Danny Dyer ....Moff
( ]+ ]  w/ V' D1 f. ^. y      安德鲁·林肯 Andrew Lincoln....Felix' T7 S4 d( g7 K- V9 T
      Lorraine Pilkington ....Lulu6 T' e$ w% A$ u7 z- O6 E
      肖恩·帕克斯 Shaun Parkes....Koop
- J9 R2 Q; V" [# ?% A8 B      Nicola Reynolds ....Nina# T$ x% l' B! k. k' b: T! B
      Dean Davies....Lee
. T7 a! m* U+ ~1 E      贾斯汀·克里根 Justin Kerrigan ....Ziggy Marlon
9 ^5 f% C6 @9 q      Peter Albert....Lulu's Uncle Eric
3 h& ^/ B# ~' [, S      Jan Anderson ....Karen Benson6 Z& w5 ?6 t- }6 M
      TerenceBeesley ....Moff's Father& i' X0 q1 E$ x+ r& o8 {/ M4 U
      Sarah Blackburn ....Jip's Ex #2; Y( v! U1 o, x
      AnneBowen ....Moff's Grandmother
& B+ Z) }# J. P+ B, a4 v6 W      Neil Bowens ....AsylumDoorman+ a( F5 F, h$ q* N7 Z8 y
      Peter Bramhill ....Matt% g' X" C  N  ?
      周·布兰德 Jo Brand....Reality
! ^  X5 B: q3 Y" u& @9 E3 G1 d3 X      Stephanie Brooks
- v  n3 k2 u+ s$ M' G3 P% {! D      Carl Cox ....PabloHassan* m: O7 |6 i4 N0 n/ D
      理查德·柯伊尔 Richard Coyle ....Party guest# \) _" B7 D! \. _% J6 v
      Nicola Davey....Jip's Ex #38 G* J% m- w: ]1 ~0 B' B( m
      Roger Evans ....Inca3 u& V, j) z( A) D! R
      Alicia Ferraboschi....Bodypopper
4 k% L% M9 z6 V, p$ {3 E* z      Sherena Flash ....Bodypopper
7 {- ~" z- C" x8 W8 y5 w      Bradley Freegard....Tyler
% v$ D6 j4 `/ Y" Y; v9 e2 W      Helen Griffin ....Jip's Mother$ Q, r* z2 n+ L1 I8 L
) f. P8 R) S& z1 m3 K      Tim Hamilton ....Bodypopper+ E* U" ^1 C2 p3 J- w
      Elizabeth Harper ....Jip's Ex#1
6 ?  w9 I5 }! m( C: B, C0 w      Carol Harrison ....Moff's mum4 l: }/ T+ @/ {/ g$ v" d5 o' z- v
      Nicola Heywood-Thomas ....TVInterviewer
/ z: ^- m% D, S/ D5 m: \) J      Bill Hicks ....Himself (archive footage)  H7 I4 P& S9 L2 S" Y
      JenniferHill* R8 x9 m' x! ?$ \
      Tyrone Johnson ....Hip Hop Junkie" Y2 K) i( O5 @) y/ Z0 x! o
      Marat Khairoullu....Bodypopper% F/ p! F* c3 [
      Nick Kilroy7 P- |/ S6 M, U- K+ ?( h) _
      Howard Marks ....Marks,Howard! f( D+ Z1 Y% q: w
      Robert Marrable. S7 w: m/ l/ G4 M% N2 d
      Louis Marriot ....Cardiff BadBoy- S: m8 ^  H0 n! b% ~
      丹尼·米迪温特 Danny Midwinter ....Tyrone
+ e. \7 I0 k, V! F: K      Robbie Newby ....KarenBenson's Boyfriend) O0 C1 p2 E4 m! R
, I* C  j! t5 u- _. s. A; F      Millsy in Nottingham
7 a7 d& e( g& E6 B/ ]3 |* u      AdamPudney ....Bodypopper
: z. [( ^  ?8 }, q4 C      Cadfan Roberts
- \( {7 }+ k4 B5 Z      Phillip Rosch ....Jip'sManager
5 d; A- E4 S: p  x% {) ]      Jason Samuels ....Bad Boy# b: V% f$ K! J- s" L8 O3 n* `5 b
      Mark Seaman ....JeremyFaxman" r! ~/ }& j& O
      Mark Seymore ....Bodypopper  v8 r9 v: T" f5 B
      Lynne Seymour....Connie
& d( }! W# W; F! x8 w      Patrick Taggart ....Luke1 z) p- R) o2 k0 J6 I' ^
      Giles Thomas....Martin( A' g0 y: u+ T1 M9 E2 d; A
      Menna Trussler ....Lulu's Auntie Violet
- Z) q: S9 p- u; g( o! [      LarringtonWalker ....Koop's Father1 b( H* y+ B, [; o9 I0 i* e$ r
      Algernon Williams....Bodypopper
4 L8 V( H. z- r4 Z( ~; w  p      Colin Williams ....Bodypopper0 D! M7 a0 O' D5 s- ~. ^
      Anna Wilson....Boomshanka
8 ^$ N6 Q& z# K  {      Frank Wilson ....Bodypopper4 A: U5 D3 A7 a6 h/ r; Z
      Eilian Wyn....Doctor
# S' t6 G* M" L( d% t4 @      Dean Chesnutt ....Clubber (uncredited)% D9 E( r. [  Y0 Z: S
      Gavin Sims....Clubber (uncredited)
  v* c( m+ |5 w7 y6 l* [' S      Jason Samuels ....Bad Boy
! m" B7 v8 ~; B/ H4 e, n1 ~3 J      DaisyIsabel Hughes ....Clubber (uncredited) . K9 `& K% K6 Z( f* k$ E2 |
6 _' T8 A4 V- z! q, h

3 p$ R  D6 @7 B◎简  介7 d8 Q  T, }6 g+ z: O7 M) e. U
6 E# x/ p& D' O/ R% d+ q
! Z( O" g0 p: P, a% z+ c
. w7 M0 b$ T3 s/ F
  The Cardiff club scene in the 90's:five best friends deal with their relationships and their personal demons duringa weekend. Jip calls himself a sexual paranoid, afraid he's impotent. Lulu,Jip's mate, doesn't find much to fancy in men. Nina hates her job at a fast foodjoint, and her man, Koop, who dreams of being a great hip-hop d.j., is prone tofits of un-provoked jealousy. The fifth is Moff, whose family is down on hisbehavior. Starting Friday afternoon, with preparations for clubbing, we followthe five from Ecstacy-induced fun through a booze-laden come-down early Saturdaymorning followed by the weekend's aftermath. It's breakthrough time for at leastthree of them.
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