查看完整版本: Alex Roots - Adrenaline Rush

yupan1988 2012-8-6 16:14

Alex Roots - Adrenaline Rush

专辑名称:Adrenaline Rush
歌手姓名:Alex Roots
唱片公司:Good Groove



Alex Roots is a woman, well teenage girl (she is about 16 years old) of such talent. I am not sure Ive ever heard such power emitted in the manner in which does it with charisma, talent, honesty and fun.

Demonstrating that age doesnt matter and that females can crash the punk scene as well as the opposite sex, Roots combines crafty bubblegum punk, a slight 80s vibe and some fun loving pop to create her single Fake. In all honesty, there is nothing fake about this song. The punchy guitars and playful melodies this song carries and creates make an excellent single. Probably the songs most defining feature is the vocal talent. Mix Avril Lavigne, Kelly Osbourne and Paramore singer Hayley Williams and you get a vocalist honest to her form, not attempting to become power mad and attempting anything.

Alex roots releases her debut album Adrenaline Rush, which she has been working on since she was 14, at the end of this month.

与其说Alex Roots这位女士,不如说是女生。16岁的她已经将音乐的才华展现了出来。我不知道我是否还曾听过这样放射出如此有魄力,天赋,坦率而又轻松有趣的声音。

由此可见年龄并不影响一位女性去做出如此地道的朋克,Roots将诡异多变的舞曲朋克与80年代的氛围和一些流行情歌揉合进了单曲“Fake”(虚假)。实话说,这曲子可是一点都不掺水的。强烈的吉他节奏和动听的旋律,这就是该单曲如此杰出的原因。这首曲子也最能突出她那天生的好嗓音。你或许会觉得她的声线是艾薇儿,Kelly Osbourne和Paramore主唱Hayley Williams的结合,不过这绝对是独特的,一点也不会为了使其声音有更疯狂的力量而做作。


01. Dont Stop Looking
02. Fake
03. Dizzy From The Ride
04. Give It Up
05. Adrenaline Rush
06. Its All About Life
07. Control
08. On My Knees
09. Put Your Hands Up
10. Freaky Vocal Style
11. Carlorie Junkie
12. Prisoner[/size]

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