人在天涯 2006-7-14 12:03
[07-14] 双重间谍[avi][已测]
主要演员:克里斯托弗·普鲁默, Romy Schneider , 特雷弗·霍华德, Claudine Auger, 尤尔·布林纳, Georges Lycan, Jess Hahn, Harry Meyen
Loosely based on a true story, Christopher Plummer plays British bank robber Eddie Chapman who finds himself caught between the waring parties in WW2, the British and the Germans. working as a spy for both sides he tries to play the 3rd reich and the British against each other. the real life Chapman described himself as a completely 'amoral' person, which adds a nice philisophical touch to this somewhat colourful spy-flic. Is there any moral in making war ? Even if you're the 'good' fighting 'evil' ?
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